Who we are
The Puddenecks Club was formed as a charity in 1958 with the aim of raising money and organising events to help older people in Barnet. Over the years the activities have changed but throughout our prime goal has remained as providing opportunities for socialisation and helping prevent isolation and loneliness. Further information of the history of the Puddenecks Club can be found in the About Us section.

Would you or someone you know like our help?
Those who would like to join in the activities provided and make new friends should look at the What We Do section, activities and picture gallery to gain a flavour of what’s on offer. Please feel free to contact Bernard Woolf on 07973133926 to chat about the activities in more detail. All activities are provided free of charge and transport to and from events can be provided for those without other support.

Would like to join us?
The Puddenecks Club raise funds throughout the year to pay for the various activities and our members are actively involved in running the events. We always welcome new members and those interested in joining this worthy cause can get more information via the Contact Us link.
Do you want to work with us?
We try to integrate our efforts with other local charities to avoid a fragmented or duplicated approach. Our reach and understanding of the local service provision enable us to have an overview of where our efforts can do most good. Where funds permit we make donations to other good causes that further our aims.

Do you wish to support us?
Our administrative costs are kept low at around 1% as all Members provide services free of charge. This means that all funds raised can be applied to the direct costs of supporting activities for older people. We are grateful for all the donations we receive and these are noted on our recognition wall.